Ensemble Bio

Zweigulden presents interdisciplinary concert programs featuring the Renaissance flute-and-drum duo, specialising in secular instrumental music from around 1500. It is directed by Holly Scarborough.

Ensemble Zweigulden has been invited to perform at the Greifenberg Music Festival (2024) and the Basel ReRenaissance Festival (2023), presenting engaging concerts with dramatic historical themes such as the deadly 1518 dancing plague of Strassburg (The Curse of St. Veit) and Emperor Maximilian’s tournament swordplay.

The ensemble began as a research exploration of functional music (including military, dance, and banquet music) provided by the historical flute and drum, such as the military duo shown in the Bern city chronicles of 1470 and the music of Emperor Maximilian’s Landsknechte.  Holly Scarborough has presented lecture-recitals at different universities with drummer Philipp Wingeier, highlighting this once-prevalent instrumental combination that is still locally evident in the Basel Fasnacht tradition. Driving this academic research is the focus on recreating a repertoire to perform. Scarborough and Wingeier have collaborated with historical dancers, historical fencers, and contemporary dancers and have sometimes performed in costume – all with a desire to make historical music alive in the imagination of today’s audiences.

Our name Zweigulden means two golden coins. Information about secular instrumental music-making around 1500 can be found in courtly payment records. For example, when Emperor Maximilian I had musicians come entertain him for an evening, they were given one or two Gulden in exchange. (This was fairly generous; the basic soldier’s monthly wage was four Gulden.)

Anthoni pfeyffer ij guldin, anndres pfeyffer j guldin vnnd Jorgl trummelslager j guldin auf Ir livergelt, facit iiij guldin R[heinisch].

March 13, 1500, Schwäbisch Wörth. MG 7, fol. 62r


Scarborough, Holly. Kaiserisch: The Flute and Drum in the Art of Reformation Augsburg.” Musik-Stadt-Augsburg, University of Augsburg, 16 September 2024.

Scarborough, Holly. “Music of the Landsknechte (Lecture-Recital).” Mini Study Day about Military Renaissance Flutes with Boaz Berney, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. 13. March 2024. Invited Presentation, accompanied by Philipp Wingeier.

Scarborough, Holly. “Music of the 16th-century Landsknechte: Maximilian’s Military Flute and Drum (Lecture-Recital).” Hörsaal der Musikwissenschaft / Philosophicum (organized in cooperation with the Institut für Musik-wissenschaft). Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz. 20 November 2023. Invited Presentation, accompanied by Philipp Wingeier.

Scarborough, Holly. “On Battlefields and in Frauenzimmer: Contexts of Maximilian’s Flute-and-Drum Ensemble around 1500.” Poster presented at: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (MedRen) 2023; 24.–28. July 2023; Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich Residence, Munich, Germany. Awarded MedRen 2023 Poster Prize, 3rd place Poster link

Scarborough, Holly. “On Battlefields and in Frauenzimmer: Contexts of Maximilian’s Flute-and-Drum Ensemble circa 1500.” Donnerstag Akademie. Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Klaus-Linder Saal. 12 January 2023. Invited Presentation with Philipp Wingeier.

Wingeier, Philipp. “Basler Trommeln: zwischen Notation und Interpretation.” Donnerstag Akademie. Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Klaus-Linder Saal. 12 January 2023. Invited Presentation with Holly Scarborough.

Functional Music

A boring term with exciting results.

With historical dancers: a suite of music and choreography inspired by sources and melodies of the late fifteenth century fit for a Habsburg emperor.

A musical montage with historical fencers on Basel’s Barfüsserplatz at the 2023 ReRenaissance Festival


We are always ready to welcome contributions towards research, instruments, and concert planning. Donations can be made to our ensemble (a registered Verein / Organisation); donors over CHF 100 per year can receive a Spendenbescheinigung / donation certificate.

Ensemble Zweigulden

4001 Basel, Switzerland

IBAN: CH47 0900 0000 1630 7414 8      


Bank: PostFinance